Editorial Board

Professor Jianqiang Gao

College of Computer and Information Engineering
Hohai University
Nanjing 210098
P. R. China
e-mail: gaojianqiang@scientificadvances.co.in ; dr.jq.gao@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Remote Sensing Image Classification, Image Processing, Information Processing System and Pattern Recognition.

Professor Li Li

Department of Applied Mathematics
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
Nanjing 210023
P. R. China
e-mail: lilimissone@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Nonlinear Analysis and Economic Application, Computational Mathematics, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining.

Professor Haitao Xu

School of Mathematics Sciences
Liaocheng University
Liaocheng 252000
P. R. China
e-mail: xuhaitao@live.com; xuhaitao@lcu.edu.cn
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Convex Optimization Theory.

Professor Shuaiqi Liu

#C3 508
New Campus of Hebei University
No.2666 Qiyidong Road
Baoding City
Hebei Province 07100
P. R. China
e-mail: shdkj-1918@163.com; 10112077@btju.edu.cn; liushuaiqi1986@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Image Processing, Multi-Scale Geometirc Transform and its Application, Machine Learning, Sparse Representation.

Professor Qinfeng Li

Jinling Institute of Technology
Nanjing 211169
P. R. China
e-mail: liqqfeng@yeah.net
Areas of Interest: Applied Mathematics, Intelligent Algorithm and Intelligent Optimization.

Professor Mehmet Koc

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University
Bilecik 11210
e-mail: mehmet.koc@bilecik.edu.tr; mehmetkoc12@gmail.com
Areas of interest: Machine learning, Image processing.

Professor José Luis López-Bonilla

Superior School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
National Polytechnic Institute
Mexico City
e-mail: jlopezb@ipn.mx; joseluis.lopezbonilla@gmail.com
Areas of interest: Mathematical Methods Applied to Engineering.

Professor Luan Dong

College of Computer and Information Engineering
College of Computer and Information Engineering Xinjiang Agriculture University
P. R. China
e-mail: dl@xjau.edu.cn
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Image processing.

Professor Jianping Yu

College of Foreign Studies
Yanshan University
P. R. China
e-mail: yjp@ysu.edu.cn
Areas of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Pattern Recognition.

Professor Jun Hu

Harbin University of Science and Technology
P. R. China
e-mail: hujun2013@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Applied mathematics.

Professor Wei Jianxin

Ludong University
P. R. China
e-mail: wjx0426@163.com
Areas of Interest: Graph Theory and its Application, Combinatorial Optimization.

Professor Haiying Wang

The School of Science
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
P. R. China
e-mail: whycht@126.com
Areas of Interest: Applied Mathematics, Graph Theory, Combinatorial Optimization.

Professor Geni Gupur

College of Mathematics and Systems Science
Xinjiang University
P. R. China
e-mail: geni@xju.edu.cn
Area of Interest: Dynamic Analysis of Queueing Models and Applications, Dynamic Analysis of Reliability Models and Applications, Abstract Cauchy Problems in Banach Spaces, Population Equations and Applications, Dynamic Analysis of Age-Structured Epidemic Models and Applications
Website: http://math.xju.edu.cn/001337/English/geni.htm

Professor Behzad Ghanbari

Kermanshah University of Technology
e-mail: b.ghanbary@yahoo.com
Area of Interest: Numerical Analysis, Numerical Methods, PDE Based Image Processing.

Professor Balan Sethuramalingam

PG & Research Department of Computer Science
Government Arts College (Autonomous)
Bharathiar University
e-mail: balan.sethuramalingam@gm ail.com
Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Image Processing, Cloud Computing, Web Mining, Software Engineering.

Professor Koushik Pal

Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics
Calcutta University
20 A Chowdhury Para
Rahara, Kolkata-700118
West Bengal
e-mail: koushik.rpe@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Boundary Segmentation of Medical Images for Separation of Malignant Tumors from Benign Stages

Professor Yewang Chen

College of Computer Science and Technology
Huaqiao University
P. R. China
e-mail: ywchen@hqu.edu.cn
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Web Mining, Software Engineering.

Professor Dalah Mohamed

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences: FSE
University Constantine 1
e-mail: dalah-mohamed@hotmail.fr
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Convex Optimization Theory, Numerical Methods, Applied Mathematics.
Website: http://www.labo-mms.net/membre-mohamed_dalah.html

Professor Yong Li

School of Electronic Engineering
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Xitucheng Road
Beijing 100876
P. R. China
e-mail: yli@bupt.edu.cn
Areas of Interest: Image Registration, Machine Learning, Super-Resolution, Video Coding.

Professor Bin Guo

College of Computer and Information Engineering
Xinjiang Agricultural University
Xinjiang 830052
P. R. China
e-mail: gb@xjau.edu.cn; dr.bin.guo@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Wireless Communication; Artificial Neural Networks; Machine Learning.

Professor Zeki Kasap

Elementary Mathematics Education Department
Pamukkale University
Kinikli Campus
e-mail: zekikasap@hotmail.com; zkasap@pau.edu.tr
Areas of Interest: Analytical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems, Equations of Motion of Objects in Space, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Mathematics Education.

Professor Sang-Bing Tsai

Management School
Zhongshan Institute
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
P. R. China
e-mail: sangbing@hotmail.com; klj0418@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Operation Management, Applied Mathematics, Fuzzy Model.
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/tsaisangbing/

Professor Ali Hafiz M. Hakami

Department of Mathematics
Jazan University
P. O. Box: 277
Postal Code: 45142
Saudi Arabia
e-mail: aalhakami@jazanu.edu.sa, aalhakami@kku.edu.sa, a_alhakami@hotmail.com
Areas of Interest: Polynomials and Matrices Fields, Matrix Algebra, Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis

Professor Loc Nguyen

Sunflower Soft Company
Ho Chi Minh City
e-mail: ng_phloc@yahoo.com; ngphloc@sunflowersoft.net
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Applied Mathematics
URL: http://www.locnguyen.net/

Professor Hind Rustum Mohammed Shaaban

Head, Department of Computer Science
University of Kufa
e-mail: hindrustum.shaaban@uoku fa.edu.iq
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Image Processing.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Px2XVH4AA AAJ&hl=en

Professor Mohammad Shokouhifar

Department of Electrical Engineering
Shahid Beheshti University
e-mail: m_shokouhifar@sbu.ac.ir or shokoohi24@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Swarm Intelligence Algorithms, Fuzzy Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks.

Professor Johar M. Ashfaque

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Liverpool
e-mail: jauhar@liv.ac.uk or jau1990@hotmail.com
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Physics.

Professor P. Thirumurugan

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology
Dindigul, Tamilnadu 624622
e-mail: thiruece@psnacet.edu.in
Areas of Interest: Digital Image Processing.

Professor S. R. Bhagya Shree

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ATME College of Engineering
Bannur Road
Mysore -570028, Karanataka
e-mail: bhagyashree.sr@atme.in
Area of Interest: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Embedded Systems.

Professor Omar Abed Elkareem Abu Arqub

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Al Balqa Applied University
P. O. Box: Salt 19117
Al Salt
e-mail: o.abuarqub@bau.edu.jo
URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Omar_Abu_Arqub
Area of Interest: Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Computational Optimization, Computational Optimization, Fuzzy Calculus Theory, Fractional Calculus Theory, Stochastic Calculus Theory, Optimal Control Theory and Signal Processing Theory.

Professor Srinivas Nowduri

Department of Security Systems-Law Enforcement Technology
Farmingdale State College
2350 Broadhollow Road
Farmingdale NY 11735
e-mail: nowdurs@farmingdale.edu or drnsrini@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Artificial intelligence, Expert Systems,
Machine Learning, Mathematical Logic.

Dr. Kirti Soni

CSIR-National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi -110012
e-mails: soniks@nplindia.org or 2006.kirti@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Air and Noise Pollution, Mathematical Modeling.

Professor Teresa A. Oliveira

Department of Sciences and Technology
Open University in Lisbon (UAb)
e-mail: Teresa.Oliveira@uab.pt
Area of Interest: Experimental Design, Statistical Quality Control, Risk Analysis and Risk Assessment, Statistical Modelling, Computational Statistics, Data Analysis and e-Learning Methodologies focusing Mathematical and Statistical tools. In her activities she foster for applications in a broad range of areas, such as Education Sciences, Health Sciences, Medicine, Agriculture, Insurance, Engineering, Food Consumption Sciences and Biology.

Professor Shruti Bhargava

Electronics Communication Engineering Department
Sreenidhi institute of Science & Technology
e-mail: bhargava.shruti1987@gmail. com; shrutibhargava@sreenidhi .edu.in
Area of Interest: Signal and Image Processing.

Professor Abdellatif Moudafi

Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes (LSIS)
Aix-Marseille Université - Site de Saint-Jérôme
Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen
13397 Marseille Cedex 20
e-mail: abdellatif.moudafi@univ-a mu.fr
Area of Interest: Optimization, Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Variational Analysis, Convex Analysis, Discretization of Dynamical Systems, Proximal Algorithms, Approximation and Regularization of Fixed-Point Problems and Equilibria.

Professor L. Rajendran

Department of Mathematics
The Madura College
Madurai, Tamilnadu
e-mail: dr.rajendran.l@gmail.com; raj_sms@rediffmail.com
Area of Interest: Mathematical Analysis of Non-Linear Differential Equations in Chemical and Physical Sciences.
URL: http://www.lakshmananrajendran.com/

Professor Bachir Dehda

University of Eloued Algeria
City of Merzaka
Hassi Khalifa Eloued
e-mail: dehda-bachir@univ-eloued.dz
Area of Interest: Image Processing (Compression and Denoising).

Professor B. Sridhar

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
MLR Institute of Technology
e-mail: sridharbece@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Communication Systems, Digital Image Processing, Medical Electronics, Cryptography & Watermarking.

Professor Omer Faruk Ertugrul

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Batman University
Batman 72000
e-mail: omerfaruk.ertugrul@batman.edu.tr; omerfarukertugrul@gmail.com
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Image Processing.

Professor Tomasz Andrysiak

Faculty of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
UTP University of Science and Technology
Al. Prof. Kaliskiego 7
85-796 Bydgoszcz
e-mail: andrys@utp.edu.pl
Area of Interest: Research Field signal and image processing, pattern recognition, machine learning, security of computer networks, anomaly detection

Professor Shahram Babaie

Department of Computer Engineering
Islamic Azad University
Tabriz Branch
e-mails: sh.babaie@iaut.ac.ir; hw.tab.au@gmail.com
Area of Interest: Computer Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Ad-Hoc Networks, Vehicular Ad-Hoc networks (VANET), Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET), Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANET), Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN), Software-Defined Networks (SDN), Internet of Things (IoT), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Near Field Connection (NFC), Cognitive network (CN), Information Security, Network Security/ Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Encryption and Decryption, Computer Architecture and Hardware, Intelligent of Computer Systems, Fault Tolerance in Computer Networks, Testing and Testability, Error Control Coding.