

[1] L. Allison, A practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986.

[2] F. S. de Boer, R. M. van Eijk, W. Van Der Hoek and J.-J. C. Meyer, Failure semantics for the exchange of information in multi-agent systems, C. Palamidessi, ed., Eleventh International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR2000), University Park, PA, 2225 August, number 1877 in LNCS, pp. 217-228, Springer-Verlag, 2000.

[3] C. A. R. Hoare and N. Wirth, An axiomatic definition of the programming language Pascal, Acta Inf. 2 (1973), 335-355.

[4] S. Kleene, Introduction to Metamathematics, Van Nostrand, New York, 1952.

[5] P. J. Landin, The mechanical evaluation of expression, Computer J. 6 (1964), 308-320.

[6] Z. Manna, Mathematical Theory of Computation, Mc Graw- Hill, 1974.

[7] E. G. Manes and M. A. Arbib, Algebraic Approaches to Program Semantics, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

[8] A. Meyer and S. Cosmodakis, Semantical Paradigms, Proc. Third Annual Symposium on Logic in computer Science, pp. 236-255, Computer Society Press, 1988.

[9] R. E. Milen, The formal semantics of computer languages and their implementations, Ph.D. Th., Cambridge U. and Tech. Microfiche TCF-2 Oxford U. Computing Lab., Programming Research Group, 1974.

[10] P. Naur, Revised report on the algorithmic language Algol 60, Comm. ACM 6(1) (1963), 1-17.

[11] W. V. Quine, Word and Object, Technology Press, Cambridge, Mass. and Wiley, New York, 1960.

[12] J. C. Reynolds, Notes on a lattice-theoretic approach to the theory of computation, Dep. Systems and Information Science, Syracuse U., Syracuse, New York, 1972.

[13] D. Scott, Outline of a mathematical theory of computation, Proc. 4th Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and System; anche Tech. Mon. PRG-2, Oxford U. Computing Lab., Programming Research Group, 1970, pp. 169-176.

[14] D. Scott, The lattice of flow diagrams, in Engeler 1971; also Tech. Mon. PRG-3, Oxford U. Computing Lab., Programming Research Group, 1971, pp. 311-366.

[15] D. Scott, Continuous lattices, Proc. 1971 Dalhousie Conf. Springer Verlag Lecture Note Series, n. 274, Springer—Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York; also Tech. Mon. PRG-7, Oxford U. Computing Lab., Programming Research Group, 1971.

[16] D. Scott, Mathematical concepts in programming language semantics, AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol. 40, 1972 SJCC, AFIPS Press, Montvale, N. J., 1972, pp. 225-234.

[17] D. Scott, Lattice theory, data types, and semantics, in Rustun, 1972, pp. 65-106.

[18] D. Scott, Lattice theoretic models for various type-free calculi, Proc. 4th International Cong, for Logic, Methodology, and the Philosophy of Science, Bucharest, 1972.

[19] D. Scott, Data types as lattices, Unpublished lecture notes, Amsterdam, 1972.

[20] D. Scott, The Kleene Symposium, North-Hollan Publishing Company, 1980.

[21] D. Scott, Lambda Calculus: some Model, some Philosophy, J. Barwise, H. J. Heisler and K. Kunem, eds., 1980.

[22] D. Scott and C. Strachey, Towards a mathematical semantics for computer languages, Proc. Symp. On Computers and Automata, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; also Tech. Mon. PRG—6, Oxford U. Computing Lab., 1971, pp. 19-46.

[23] R. D. Tennent, Mathematical semantics and design of programming languages, Ph.D. Dep. of Computer Sci., U. of Toronto, 1973.