Editorial Board

Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications
Professor Sunggeum Hong
Department of Mathematics
Chosun University
e-mail: skhong@mail.chosun.ac.kr
Areas of Interest: Harmornic Analysis and Partial Differential
Professor Petro Babak
Department of Mathematics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alta.
T6G 2H1
email: petro@ualberta.ca
Areas of Interest: Differential Equations and Mathematical
Professor Themistocles M. Rassias
Department of Mathematics
National Technical University of Athens
Zografou Campus
15780 Athens
e-mail: trassias@math.ntua.gr
URL: http://math.ntua.gr/~trassias/
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Analysis, Functional Equations
and Inequalities, Approximation Theory, Global Analysis- Analysis on
Manifolds, Geometric Analysis.
Professor Jianxin Dai
School of Mathematics and Physics
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Nanjing 210046
P. R. China
e-mail: daijx_js@126.com
Areas of Interest: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of
Professor Xianzhong Zeng
Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Hunan University of Science and Technology
Xiangtan 411201
e-mail: zxzh217@sohu.com
Areas of Interest: The Partial Differential Equation, The
Ecological Mathematical Model, and its Optimal Control.
Professor Changbum Chun
Department of Mathematics
Sungkyunkwan University
Suwon 440-746
e-mail: cbchun64@yahoo.com
Areas of Interest: Iterative Methods for Solving Equations or
Systems of Equations, Numerical Techniques for Solving Scientific or
Engineering Problems.
Professor Tian Xiao He
Department of Mathematics and CS
Illinois Wesleyan University
P. O. Box 2900
Bloomington , IL 61702-2900
United States
e-mail: the@iwu.edu
URL: https://www.iwu.edu/math/faculty/He.htmlProfessor Mariusz Michta
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Zielona Gora
Computer Science and Econometrics
Szafrana 4A
65-246 Zielona Gora
e-mail: M.Michta@wmie.uz.zgora.pl
Areas of Interest: Stochastic Analysis, Set-Valued Analysis,
Financial and Insurance Mathematics.
Professor Tadeusz Jankowski
Department of Mathematics
Gdansk University of Technology
Department of Differential Equations
11/12 Narutowicz Str.
80-952 Gdansk
e-mail: tjank@mifgate.mif.pg.gda.pl
Areas of Interest: Ordinary differential equations.
URL: https://www.im.uz.zgora.pl/en/pracownicy/pokaz.php?
id=MMichtaProfessor Mubariz T. Karaev
Department of Technical Programs
Suleyman Demirel University
32260 Isparta
e-mail: garayev@fef.sdu.edu.tr
The specific areas of my interest are the following:
1.Operator Theory (Especially in the Functional Spaces).
2.Banach Algebra.
3.Convolutions and their Applications.
4.Numerical Range and Numerical Radius.
5.Theory of Analytic Functions in Hardy, Bergman,... Spaces.
6.Invariant Subspaces.
Professor Piroska Csorgo
Department of Algebra and Number Theory
Eötvös University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
H-1117 Budapest
e-mail: ska@cs.elte.hu
Areas of Interest: Loop Theory and Finite Group Theory.
URL: http://web.cs.elte.hu/~ska/Professor Fengde Chen
College of Mathematics and Computer Science
Fuzhou University
Fujian 350002
e-mail: fdchen@263.net
Areas of Interest: Dynamic Behaviors of the Population Systems,
Persistence and Extinction of the Population Dynamics.
Professor Won Kyu Kim
Department of Mathematics Education
Chungbuk National University
Cheongju 361-763
e-mail: wkkim@chungbuk.ac.kr
Areas of Interest: 47H10; 47N10; 52A07; 91A13
Special Interests: Fixed Point Theory, Convexity, Game Theory
n-Person Games and Games with Infinitely Many Players.
Professor Hongyou Wu
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115-2888
e-mail: wu@math.niu.edu
Areas of Interest: Differential Geometry, Spectral Theory, and
Soliton Theory.
Professor Zhen-Jun Shi
College of Operations Research and Management
Qufu Normal University
Rizhao, Shandong 276826
e-mail: zjshi@umd.umich.edu
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Programming, Optimization
Algorithms, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics Model and
Computer Mathematics.
Professor Irwin E. Schochetman
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan 48309
United States
e-mail: schochet@oakland.edu
Areas of Interest: Infinite Horizon Versions of Mathematical
Optimization and Mathematical Programming.
Professor I-Shih Liu
Instituto de Matemática
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Caixa Postal 68530
21945-970, Rio de Janeiro
e-mail: liu@im.ufrj.br
Areas of Interest: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.
Professor Gwang Hui Kim
Department of Applied Mathematics
Kangnam University
Suwon, 449-702
e-mail: ghkim@kangnam.ac.krProfessor Moonja Jeong
Department of Mathematics
The University of Suwon
Suwon, PO Box 77
Kyungkido 440-600
e-mail: mjeong@suwon.ac.kr
Areas of Interest: 30-xx Functions of a Complex Variable and
32-xx Several Complex Variables and Analytic Spaces.
Professor Morteza Seddighin
Department of Mathematics
Indiana University East
Richmond, IN 47374
United States
e-mail: mseddigh@indiana.edu
Areas of Interest: Operator Theory, Functional Analysis,
Antieigenvalue Theory, Matrix Statistics, Banach Algebras,
Optimization, Linear and Nonlinear Programming.
Professor Yongxiang Li
Department of Mathematics
Northwest Normal University
Lanzhou 730070, Gansu
P. R. China
e-mail: liyx@nwnu.edu.cn
Professor Isaac Pesenson
Department of Mathematics
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
e-mail: pesenson@euclid.math.tem
ple.eduProfessor Luoqing Li
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hubei University
Wuhan 430062
e-mail: lilq@hubu.edu.cnProfessor Qiang Zhang
Liaoning Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing
Dalian University
Dalian 116622
P. R. China
e-mail: zhangq30@yahoo.comProfessor Pu Yan Nie
Department of Mathematics
Jinan University
Guangzhou 510632
P. R. China
email: pynie2002@hotmail.comProfessor Wen Xiu Ma
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of South Florida
4202 E Fowler Avenue
PHY114, Tampa, FL 33620-5700
e-mail: mawx@math.usf.edu;
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Physics, Nonlinear Science and Applied
URL: http://shell.cas.usf.edu/~wma3/Professor Hoonjoo Kim
Mathematics Education
Daebul University
Young-Am 526-890
e-mail: hoonjoo@mail.daebul.ac.krProfessor Dachun Yang
School of Mathematical Sciences
Beijing Normal University
Beijing 100875
P. R. China
e-mail: dcyang@bnu.edu.cn
Areas of Interest: Harmonic Analysis on Spaces of Homogeneous
Type and Groups, Function Spaces, Applications of Harmonic Analysis
Techniques to Partial Differential Equation; etc.
Professor Zeyad Abdel Aziz Mah’d Al-Zhour
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Zarqa Private University (ZPU)
P. O. Box 2000
Zarqa 1311
e-mail: zeyad1968@yahoo.com;
Areas of Interest: Numerical Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear
Algebra, Matrix (Differential) Equations and Algebriac Systems of
Matrices, Fractional Calculus and Convolutions, Mathematical Biology,
General Theory, Linear Spaces and Operators, Operations Research and
Mathematical Programming.
Professor Zhuangyi Liu
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Minnesota at Duluth
Duluth, MN 55812
e-mail: zliu@d.umn.edu
Areas of Interest: Optimal Control, Parameter Identification,
Numerical Approximation, Functional and Partial
Differential Equations, Operations Research.
URL: https://scse.d.umn.edu/mathematics-statistics-depar
tment/faculty-staff/dr-zhuangyi-liuProfessor Sun Yuan Hsieh
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
No. 1, University Road
Tainan 70101
e-mail: hsiehsy@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Areas of Interest: Computational Molecular Biology,
Graph-Theoretic Interconnection Networks, Graph Theory, Design and
Analysis of Algorithms, Parallel Computation.
Professor S. Shao
Department of Mathematics
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave., RT 1527
Cleveland, OH 44115
e-mail: s.shao@csuohio.edu
Areas of Interest: Differential Equations and Mathematics
Finance in Applied Mathematics.
URL: http://facultyprofile.csuohio.edu/csufacultyprofile
/detail.cfm?FacultyID=S_SHAOProfessor Daoud S. Daoud
Department of Mathematics
Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Via Mersin 10
e-mail: daoud.daoud@emu.edu.trProfessor Kyoji Saito
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
University of Tokyo
277-8582 Kashiwa-no-ha 5-1-5
Kashiwa-shi, Chiva
e-mail: saito@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jpProfessor A. Thavaneswaran
Department of Statistics
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3T 2N2
e-mail: thavane@ccu.umanitoba.ca
Areas of Interest: Inference for Stochastic Processes, Time
Series Analysis, Stochastic Modeling, Filtering, Prediction, Optimal
estimation, Statistics in Finance.
URL: https://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~thavane/Professor Sergio Amat Plata
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y EstadÃstica
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Paseo de Alfonso XIII, 52
30203 Cartagena (Murcia)
e-mail: sergio.amat@upct.es
Areas of Interest: Nonlinear Reconstructions, Multiresolution
and Wavelets Algorithms, Iterative Schemes for Nonlinear Equations,
Numerical Approximation of Conservation Laws.
URL: https://personas.upct.es/perfil/sergio.amatProfessor Habibolla Latifizadeh
Department of Mathematics
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6310
e-mail: hl0034@mix.wvu.edu
Area of Interest: Applied Mathematics, Numerical and Iterative
Methods PDEs, Computational Mathematics and Nonlinear PDEs.
URL: https://works.bepress.com/habib_latifizadeh/Professor K. V. L. N. Acharyulu
Department of Mathematics
Bapatla Engineering College
Bapatla 522101
Andhra Pradesh
e-mail: kvlna@yahoo.com
Area of Interest: Mathematical Ecology, Mathematical Biology,
Mathematical Modelling and Bio-Science.
Professor H. M. Srivastava
Professor Emeritus
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada V8W 3R4
e-mail: harimsri@math.uvic.ca
URL: : http://www.math.uvic.ca/faculty/harimsri/Professor Kewen Zhao
Director, Institute of Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences
Qiongzhou University
Sanya, 572022
P. R. China
e-mail: kwzhao2006@163.com;
Area of Interest: Combinatorics, Linear Algebra & Matrix
Theory, Algebraic Combinatorics, Combinatorial Topology, Discrete
Professor Ayman Shehata Mohammed Ahmed Osman El-Shazly
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Assiut University
e-mail: drshehata2006@yahoo.com;
URL: http://www.aun.edu.eg/membercv.php?M_ID=435
Area of Interest: Mathematical, Complex Analysis, Especially of
Special Functions, Multiple Hyper Geometric Series, Generalized
Functions, Functions of Matrix Arguments and Orthogonal Matrix
Polynomials and their applications.
Professor Alireza Heidari
Faculty of Chemistry
California South University (CSU)
Irvine, California
e-mail: alireza.heidari@calsu.us;
Area of Interest: Biophysical Chemistry, Biomolecular
Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry, Nanochemistry, Theoretical Chemistry,
Mathematical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Vibrational
Spectroscopy, Molecular Modelling, Ab initio & Density Functional
Methods and Molecular Structure.
URL: http://calsu.us/index.php/member/prof-dr-alireza-he