Author's: Farzin Salmasi and Fatemeh Jafari
Pages: [15] - [28]
Received Date: October 28, 2015
Submitted by: Constantine I. Sachpazis.
Study of seepage from earth dam is important due to its applications
in reservoir management. The loss of water due to seepage constitutes
a substantial. The seepage loss results not only in depleted fresh
water resources but also causes water logging, salinization,
groundwater contamination, and health hazards. This study presents
both a numerical and analytical solutions for seepage from a
homogeneous earth dam resting on an impervious base. For this purpose,
a steady-state two-dimensional flow through a homogeneous earth dam
has been analyzed. Phreatic line location is computed by numerical
simulation, using Seep/w software based on finite elements. Numerical
simulation results are compared with Schaffernak and
Casagrande’s analytical solutions. Results showed that
numerical solution gives more seepage rate than the two other
solutions, i.e., Casagrande and Schaffernak’s methods. In most
cases, Schaffernak’s solution has more than error and Casagrande‘s solution has
more than
Earth dam, phreatic line, homogeneous embankment, seepage.