Author's: Hassan Aaya, Mohamed Anas Hilali, Mohamed Rachid Hilali and Tarik Jawad
Pages: [9] - [17]
Received Date: August 21, 2019; Revised October 17, 2019
Submitted by:
The Hilali Conjecture (also known as conjecture H) [5] predicts that
for any rationally elliptic and simply connected topological space
X we always have
The goal of the present paper is to prove the Hilali conjecture for
the topological spaces with odd homotopy groups satisfying some
conditions, over the last years many works have tried to solve this
conjecture in particular cases, e.g., [1], [4], [7], [8].
Hilali conjecture, rational homotopy, Sullivan minimal model, homotopy, cohomology, commutative differential graded algebra, elliptic space.