Author's: G. A. Papadopoulos
Pages: [59] - [81]
Received Date: May 26, 2011
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The experimental method of caustics was used for the evaluation of the stress-singularities created by concentrated load applied at the apex of a wedge or on the horizontal straight boundary of a half-plane. It was proved that the shape and size of the caustic depend on the stress singularity at the point of application of the load. The parametric equations of caustics created by such a singularity were studied in relation with the loading mode of the wedge. Also, the stress singularity created by a concentrated load applied at the apex of the wedge or on the horizontal straight boundary of a half-plane was studied by isochromatic fringes of photoelasticity. Thus, by measuring the dimensions of the caustic, one can evaluate the state of stress at the singularity. The relations for the calculation of the load, the components of stress and the concentration factor based on the geometrical characteristic of caustics and on isochromatic fringes were given.
contact problem, caustics, photoelasticity, isochromatic, isopachic, concentration factor.