Author's: Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi and Cyrus Aghanajafi
Pages: [21] - [36]
Received Date: April 11, 2011
Submitted by:
In this paper, the effects of temperature distribution at the hottest
fuel rod (Hot Fuel Pin) in the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran has
been determined for defined thermal conductivities by using different
mathematical functions. Whereas Hot Fuel Pin is one of the most
important fuel rods from the heat temperature distribution aspect in
the core of nuclear power plant, thus in this paper, the values of
average temperature and temperatures of inner and outer
for the Hot Fuel Pin, which is cylindrical
shape, has been obtained truly. Two methods have been used for
calculation of temperature, i.e., analytical and numerical methods. In
the numerical method, computer programming by MATLAB software has been
applied. Moreover, calculation of temperatures has been performed for
two stages and results have been modified than previous stage and have
been compared together. In every stage of calculations by two cited
methods, the values of thermal conductivity (k) have been
obtained by two methods that are: Lagrange and finite difference
methods. One of the most important results is equality of k in
the second stage of Lagrange method with the value of k in the
first stage of finite difference method. The results show the obtained
values of temperatures from analytical and numerical methods with
defined k from Lagrange method are converged, but the mentioned
values with defined k from finite difference method are
interpolation equations, temperature, hot fuel pin, nuclear power plant, thermal conductivity coefficient.