Author's: Tomasz Galka
Pages: [1] - [19]
Received Date: February 01, 2011
Submitted by:
The paper deals with the influence of machine load and interference on
symptom values in rotating machinery diagnostics. In a typical
industrial plant environment, this influence often results in very
irregular symptom time histories. A theoretical treatment, based on
suitable models, is presented and briefly discussed. Cursory analysis
of available data shows that, in general, influence of load and
interference cannot be neglected. It is therefore important to obtain
some knowledge of its relative magnitude, as it directly affects
diagnostic reasoning.
The paper presents some results obtained with available databases for
large utility steam turbines. Irrespective of turbine type, these data
reveal considerable qualitative similarity. On their basis, it may be
concluded that in the harmonic frequency range influences of load and
interference may often be considered negligible. Observed symptom time
histories are thus determined mainly by machine condition evolution.
In the blade frequency range, these influences are much stronger and
produce considerable fluctuations. They have to be taken into account
in order to arrive at a correct machine condition estimation.
diagnostic symptom, rotating machinery, technical condition.