Author's: Kouji Yamamoto, Shuji Ando and Sadao Tomizawa
Pages: [1] - [13]
Received Date: February 7, 2011
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For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, the present paper proposes two kinds of marginal asymmetry models and gives decompositions of models, which have the structure of asymmetry for cumulative probabilities that an observation will fall in row (column) category i or below and column (row) category j(>i) or above. The decompositions are obtained by using the extended quasi-symmetry, the extended marginal homogeneity, and the marginal asymmetry models, for cumulative probabilities. The new models and decompositions are applied to the father’s and his son’s occupational mobility data.
cumulative probability, cumulative quasi-symmetry, decomposition, extended marginal homogeneity, linear diagonals-parameter symmetry, square contingency table, symmetry.