Author's: S. M. El-Arishy, L. S. Diab and E. S. El-Atfy
Pages: [71] - [89]
Received Date: March 30, 2019; Revised April 25, 2019
Submitted by:
In this paper, we investigate the probabilistic characteristics for
class, the closure properties under various
reliability operations such as convolution, mixture and the
homogeneous Poisson shock model are studied. A new hypothesis test is
constructed to test exponentiality against
based on moment inequality. Pitman asymptotic
efficiency (PAE) are studied, the critical values of the test are
calculated and tabulated, the power estimates are calculated to assess
the performance of the test. Finally, sets of real data are used as
examples to elucidate the use of the proposed test statistic for
practical problems in the reliability analysis.
convolution, mixture, homogeneous Poisson shock
model, hypothesis test, efficiency, Monte Carlo method, power.