Author's: L. S. Diab
Pages: [163] - [183]
Received Date: October 5, 2016
Submitted by:
The main objective of this study is to derive U-statistic test based
on expected value method for testing exponentiality against renewal
new better than used in expectation in moment generating function
order The critical values of this test are
calculated and tabulated for sample size n = 5(5)50. The Pitman
asymptotic efficiency (PAE), the Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency
(PARE) are discussed and the power estimates of this test are also
simulated for some commonly used distributions in reliability. The
problem in case of right censored data is also handled and the power
estimates of this test are also simulated for censored data for some
commonly used distributions in reliability. Finally, real examples are
presented to illustrate the application of this test statistic in
reliability analysis.
renewal new better than used in expectation in moment generating
function U-statistic, life testing, efficiency,
relative efficiency, Monte Carlo method, power and censored data.