Author's: N. P. Uto and P. E. Chigbu
Pages: [17] - [33]
Received Date: January 6, 2016
Submitted by:
In this work, we present the adjacency and generalized inverse
matrices of the three optimal semi-Latin squares. These matrices are
then used in conjunction with each other to discriminate amongst the
squares by computing and comparing the variance of adjacency induced
by the treatments in each square with those of the other squares, with
the aid of MATLAB. The square which minimizes both the maximum
variance of adjacency and the number of distinct values of the
variance of adjacency amongst the squares, and where tie occurs, also
have a minimum value of this variance is considered most preferable,
and so on. Results show that the square,
is the most preferable for
experimentation, while
is preferable to
which is consistent with earlier results
by Uto and Chigbu [23].
optimal design, optimality criteria, treatment contrasts, doubly-resolvable design, variety-concurrence graph, canonical efficiency factor, treatment concurrences.