Author's: Iulian T. Vlad and Jorge Mateu
Pages: [1] - [32]
Received Date: December 11, 2014
Submitted by:
Lévy theory provides a potential mathematical framework to model
space and space-time stochastic processes. In addition, spatial point
processes define stochastic models for random patterns of points in
These processes play a special role in
stochastic geometry as the building blocks of more complicated random
set models. In this paper, we focus on a family of Lévy-based
spatial Cox processes to model and predict tumor growth. We develop a
procedure to simulate the growing of tumors. This algorithm can be
used to study the evolution in time of any 2- and 3-dimensional
geometrical forms such as cancer skin and all type of boundary
evolution. We analyze real data and show that the procedure developed
works fine and is useful for prediction purposes.
cobweb algorithm, Cox processes, space-time modelling, tumor growth.