Author's: A. A. Glinskaya, L. A. Bashkirov and G. S. Petrov
Pages: [55] - [75]
Received Date: March 14, 2017; Revised March 24, 2017
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Using a solid-state reaction method the ceramic samples of the
cobaltites-gallates of samarium were synthesized. In these samples a
magnetic dilution of the
ions by diamagnetic
ions took place. The parameters of the
crystal lattice were determined. Molar magnetic susceptibility
was investigated at 5-300K in a magnetic
field of 0.8 T. Analysis of the results obtained showed that in the
temperature range 10-60K the effective magnetic moment of the
ions practically didn’t depend on
the x and its value
was less than the theoretical value
indicating the “partial
freezing†of the orbital magnetic moment by the crystal field of
the perovskite structure. Temperature-independent contribution
increases at growth of x at
10-60K. Increase of
at growth of x presumably is due
to the increase of temperature independent Van-Vleck paramagnetism of
ions rather than transition of the
ions in paramagnetic state.
perovskite, cobaltites-gallates of samarium, magnetic susceptibility, effective magnetic moment, Van-Vlieck polarization paramagnetism.